

We've got everything you need to kick start your fundraising

Download these resources to help spread the word about the Pedalthon cycle and to help boost your fundraising efforts.

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Posters and Flyers 

Simply download, fill in with your details and post up or hand out in your office, school, local shops and noticeboards or wherever you think people may be interested in joining or supporting your cycle to fight cancer below the belt.

Sydney Pedalthon Flyer 2023

Use this flyer to share via email, social media or other promotional digital platforms. Print it out and display as you feel necessary.

View Download

Social Media

View the event on our social media platforms and use our custom tags. This year it's be #SydPedal23. As well as our usual #BTB or #belowthebelt. 

Use these on your own personal Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts to share your Below the Belt journey and help grow your fundraising.